29.2 Devices page (Operation Settings)
Setting |
Default value |
Yes |
Description |
Allows you to issue cards with their keys locked so users must activate them before use. |
Further information |
Setting |
Allow card serial number to be entered during Request Card workflow |
Default value |
No |
Description |
Allows you to search for cards with specific serial numbers when requesting a card. You can use * and ? as wildcards when searching. Any unassigned devices, or devices with unrestricted cancellation, that match the search criteria are displayed. The limit is 10 records; if more than 10 devices match the search criteria, you must search again with more restrictive criteria. |
Further information |
See the Requesting a card section in the Operator's Guide. |
Setting |
Default value |
No |
Description |
If set to Yes, you can search for computers or other devices registered in MyID during some operations. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
Yes |
Description |
If set to Yes, allows you to dispose of devices that have expired but not been canceled. |
Further information |
See the Disposing of cards section in the Operator's Guide. |
Setting |
Allow virtual smart card creation with TPM reduced functionality |
Default value |
No |
Description |
Set to Yes to allow Microsoft Virtual Smart card to be issued within MyID when the TPM is in reduced functionality state. |
Further information |
See the Reduced functionality section in the Microsoft VSC Integration Guide for details. |
Setting |
Default value |
Both |
Description |
Whether Auth Codes, when required, affect Activate, Unlock or both workflows. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
30 |
Description |
Not currently implemented. |
Further information |
This configuration option relates to custom functionality that is no longer implemented in MyID. |
Setting |
Default value |
Yes |
Description |
Allows a label to be written to a card. This is an electronic label that is written to the card, not a physical label. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
42 |
Description |
You can configure the length of time before expiry that you can request a card renewal using the Request Replacement Card workflow. For example, if the card has 60 days left before expiry, and you set the Card Renewal Period to 40, you cannot request a card renewal. If the card has 30 days left before expiry and you set the Card Renewal Period to 40, MyID allows you to request the card renewal. This option also affects the behavior of automatic certificate renewals; if the card is within the Card Renewal Period window, automatic certificate renewals do not get triggered, but instead a notification is sent to the cardholder that they must request a replacement card. |
Further information |
See section 6.6.1, Credential lifetimes and certificate renewal. |
Setting |
Default value |
Yes |
Description |
MyID checks that the PIV content signing certificate will not expire in the lifetime of the card. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
PivDataModel.xml |
Description |
Sets the default data model to be used in a credential profile. The data model defines how the card is personalized. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
Description |
If a card has no defined reverse layout, if this configuration option contains the name of a valid card layout, the layout is used for the reverse of the card. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
No |
Description |
Set this to Yes to add a Delivery stage to the process for issuing a card, ensuring the card has been delivered to the recipient before it is activated. |
Further information |
See the Delivering cards section in the Operator's Guide for details. |
Setting |
Default value |
Yes |
Description |
If set to Yes, enabling a user account in MyID automatically enables all issued but disabled credentials belonging to that user account. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
No |
Description |
Allows you to use MyID to manage Intel Authenticate Virtual Smart Cards. |
Further information |
See the Intel Authenticate Integration Guide for details. |
Setting |
Default value |
20 |
Description |
MyID updates the directory to remove the device certificate information when a device identity is canceled or the certificate expires. This option configures the size of batches of records that are processed when updating the directory. You should not have to change this value. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
Ask |
Description |
Whether the option to use MyID management keys for logon is displayed in Services when designing a credential profile: Ask – option available for selection No – option not available and MyID keys not used for logon Yes – option not available and MyID keys are used for logon |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
No |
Description |
Set to Yes to allow the use of Microsoft Virtual Smart Cards within MyID. |
Further information |
See the Microsoft VSC Integration Guide for details. |
Setting |
Default value |
Yes |
Description |
Set this option to allow the notification of mobile IDs to be sent to the user's email address. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
Yes |
Description |
Set this option to allow the notification of mobile IDs to be sent to the user's mobile phone number. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
Yes |
Description |
When set to Yes, the Request Replacement Card workflow cancels existing Issue Card, Update Card and Request Replacement Card jobs that exist for the applicant who is to be issued a replacement card. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
No |
Description |
Setting this option limits the number of card requests to one per person per credential profile. The most recently created request job will take precedence. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
No |
Description |
When set to Yes, stores the terms and conditions that were signed as a binary object in the MyID database. This is then visible in the MyID audit report. This option allows you to review the terms and conditions as they stood when the cardholder accepted them, rather than the terms and conditions as they currently stand, which may be different if you have updated the text of the terms and conditions. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
12 |
Description |
Set to the maximum age of the biometric data in years. MyID checks that the biometrics will not exceed this age in the lifetime of the card. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
Yes |
Description |
When set to Yes, MyID checks that facial biometrics have been captured before authorizing card issuance. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
No |
Description |
If set to Yes, allows the operator to confirm whether the card was printed correctly, and to offer an opportunity to retry the operation. |
Further information |
See the Collecting a card section in the Operator's Guide. |
Setting |
Default value |
Description |
A series of field names separated by spaces which are used as a second serial number. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
123456789 |
Description |
Used to set the serial numbers for Oberthur PIV cards. |
Further information |
See the Serial numbers for IDEMIA PIV cards section in the Smart Card Integration Guide for details. |
Setting |
Default value |
Just for New Certificates |
Description |
Determines whether users have to sign the terms and conditions when updating cards that have credential profiles that require them to sign the terms and conditions when activating their cards. If the card is being updated to a new credential profile, MyID checks the Terms and Conditions setting of the new credential profile. Can be one of the following: Yes – users are required to sign the Terms and Conditions as required by the credential profile when collecting any kind of update for their card. Just for New Certificates – users are required to sign the Terms and Conditions as required by the credential profile only when the update they are collecting contains new certificates. No – users do not need to sign the Terms and Conditions when collecting card updates. |
Further information |
Setting |
Default value |
100 |
Description |
The window to be used when resynchronizing an OTP device. The larger the value, the longer the resync window. |
Further information |
If you are having difficulty resynchronizing tokens, increase this value. |
Setting |
Default value |
No |
Description |
Whether this installation supports unblocking credentials. |
Further information |
See the Smart Card Integration Guide for details. |
Setting |
Default value |
Yes |
Description |
Whether this installation supports Windows Hello for Business. |
Further information |
See the Setting the Windows Hello configuration options section in the Windows Hello for Business Integration Guide for details. |